Micro-rhinoplasty is an advanced technique based on the application of micro-instrumentation facilities in rhinoplasty.
The three principal facilities include the magnification power of video-endoscopy, micro-cutting, micro-rasping blades and micro-surgical tools.
Micro-rhinoplasty was established by Yakup Avsar M.D. in 2006 and now it is 10 years old.
Magnification power of video-endoscopy is especially used for reshaping the bony nasal vault. Its use for glabella surgery and the treatment of high-oriented septal deviations is inevitable. Besides, it is used for the treatment of septal spurs, repair of mucosal tears and bleeding control during rhinoplasty.
Micro-motor-assisted bony vault reshaping under video-endoscopy is a technological procedure aimed at effective application of micro-cutting and micro-rasping blades to reform the bony structure of the nose. These blades designed by Yakup Avşar are used under video-endoscopy. Hump reduction-rasping, medial osteotomy, Aufricht triangle modification, transverse and lateral osteotomies are performed with the aid of these blades. Split-thickness osteotomy is a surgical method in which an incomplete cut is made on the lateral nasal walls keeping the stability of bony nasal vault. This method was first introduced by Dr. Avsar and is a consequent advantage of this technology.
Micro-surgical tools are used to dissect, reshape and suture the soft tissue and cartilaginous structures during rhinoplasty. These tools make it possible to perform delicate surgery on these structures.
While video-endoscopy and micro-cutting-rasping tools are dominantly used for surgery on the bony upper third of the nose, micro-scissors and micro-tools are used for surgery on the middle and lower thirds of the nose.
Eventually, controlled operation on the nasal structure increases the rate of successful results. Technologies, techniques and tactics used in micro-rhinoplasty enables the surgeon to have high quality control during the aesthetic surgery of the nose.